• IR Only

NEXUS AG: Release of capital market information - Interim Reporting 53

In the time period from July 22, 2024 until and including July 26, 2024, a number of 1,976 shares were bought back within the framework of the share buy-back program of NEXUS AG, whose start was disclosed by Nexus AG on July 24, 2023.


Date Volume Average Price
22.07.2024 381 56.71
23.07.2024 419 56.35
24.07.2024 400 56.00
25.07.2024 400 55.23
26.07.2024 376 55.07


The transactions in a detailed form are published on the website of Nexus AG (www.nexus-ag.de - Investor Relations – Stock Buyback).

The total volume of shares which have been bought back within the framework of the share buy-back (share buyback program 2023) amounts to 43,418 shares.

The purchase of the shares of Nexus AG is carried out by a credit institution that has been commissioned by Nexus AG; the shares are repurchased exclusively on the electronic trading platform of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Xetra).

Donaueschingen, 29.07.2024

The Managing Board



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